When somebody you love passes away a lot of feelings may start to occur, some of which may be Shock? Sadness? Maybe relief? But with all these feelings also comes a lot of questions.. what do I do now? Who do I notify? How do I plan a funeral?
At Golden Gate Funerals we understand that in a time like this you may not want to talk to anyone at all, listed below are just some of many questions you may have and below we have listed step-by-step instructions in what to do in some cases.
If your ready to talk to a caring and listening ear feel free to contact us and let us help and guide you through this time, we are here to assure you that we are here for you and that you are not alone.
When someone you love passes at home due to a short or long term illness:
FIRST: call the practising doctor or Palliative care nurse. Chances are one of those will be present at the time of your loved ones passing. Once the doctor or nurse satisfies the legalities regarding the cause of death and the identity of your loved ones they will issue a medical certificate cause of death. Please note: it is also not uncommon that the doctor may request that emergency services come along to the house such as police and paramedics just as a precaution.
SECOND: Call the chosen funeral director. This may be done simultaneously or just after the doctor has been contacted, as we can assist you right from the beginning, following the certificates issuance we will transport and your loved one into our care. What happens when the doctor is unable to issue a death certificate? Under certain circumstances, the attending doctor may not issue a death certificate. The doctor may not have known or attended your loved one within the past six months, or the exact cause of death may need to be reviewed. In this case, certification becomes a Coroner’s matter. If that’s the case, the corner will come out to the house and transport your loved to their south bank mortuary, they will issue you with a case number, give that to us, and we will lease with them until your loved ones release.
When someone you love passes at a hospital after the doctor, social worker or another medical staff member has explained that your loved one has passed away by ‘natural cause’ take a moment and if you can spend time with your family, talk over what it is you all want to do, in the mean time your loved one will be transported to the hospitals mortuary.
ONCE YOU HAVE REACHED A DECISION: Give the chosen funeral Director a call, we will come straight out and bring your loved one into our care once the hospital gives clearance. The above also applies for nursing homes, palliative care centres & age care facilities. Only difference is they may not have an on-site mortuary, in that case we need to be contacted sooner rather than later to bring your loved one into our care
When your loved ones death is accidental:
FIRST: Call the police, then the funeral director. In these circumstances, the law requires that an official examination takes place and that the issuance of a Certificate of Death is a coroner’s matter which must be referred through the police. You should be aware that 1 to 7 days may lapse before the coroner’s report can be produced. The information will include a Certificate of Death and a Burial Order or Cremation Permit required before funeral arrangements can be completed.
IMPORTANT: So that proper arrangements can be undertaken in time – it is most important that you notify the funeral director immediately after calling the police, or after the police have notified you. It is golden gate funerals responsibility to extend help, care and guidance to you at this time.
To start making funeral arrangements and supply information required by the coroner’s office – the funeral director will need to know whether your wish is for burial or cremation. In either case, particulars that concern your loved one will be required to complete various compulsory forms. The funeral director will help you complete these forms, but it is suggested you gather information now. You will need to supply such particulars of your loved one such as age; residential address; details of marriage and previous marriages (if any); names and ages of children (if any); nearest relative; and usual occupation.
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Melton - Keilor Park